Friday, June 24, 2016

Now In English! Modern Japanese Literature

Title: Modern Japanese Literature: From 1868 to the Present Day

Author: Various

Translators: Sam Houston Brock, Robert H. Brower, Harold G. Henderson, Howard Hibbon, Glenn Hughes, Baroness Shidzut Ishimoto, Yozan T. Iwasaki, Donald Keene, Ivan Morris, W.H.H. Norman, Shio Sakanishi, G.W. Sargent, Edward Seidensticker, Burton Watson, and Meredith Weatherby. 
Editor: Donald Keene

Friday, June 17, 2016

Into India: Spiritual Stereotypes And Mysticism

In the West, it seems that mysticism gave its dying breath eons ago. But is that really true?

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Key To Learning Grammar

Grammar doesn't have to be a stumbling block. But for many of us, it is. It's the antiquated scroll with rules and exceptions rolling out into oblivion. How can we memorize something so long and complex? It isn't as difficult as you may think.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Word Specificity vs. Word Choice

Analysing word choice is one of the most difficult aspects of writing - either in revising your own
work or in interpreting someone else's. Usually you might end up cutting down your word count, removing a cliché or two and then moving on to the next article. But rather an word choice, I've come to adopt the phrase "word specificity".

But what is the difference between the two?