Friday, November 20, 2015

4 Tips to Start Speaking Your Second Language

Speaking is often the most difficult aspect of language learning – and it isn't always because of speech anxiety. Simultaneously producing the correct conjugations and declensions (i.e.. case systems) can be frustrating. However, there are ways to improve outside of speaking with a partner.

  1. Self-Talk – I find that talking loudly in the language I'm trying to learn helps the most. Making different voices and trying to think out loud in another language will help with memory movement and confidence. In the past, I've also recorded some of my self talks or dialogues (see below), so I can correct my mistakes.
  2. Recite Poems – Short poems, prose, or songs will help you get the feel for the native and creative aspects of the language. It will also help with cultural comprehension.
  3. Pre-Written Dialogue – Learning a dialogue by heart won’t help you be spontaneous, but you’ll be able to understand the core sentence structure in context. Plus, it will give you some automatic response, giving you more confidence to keep going.
  4. Answer Questions – Looking up questions online or thinking of your own can be a good way to start a self-talk session. Simply doing a search for “questions” will pull up several samples. I found one site focused on asking questions in German, which I use to practice. I think timed exercises – either in speaking or writing, can let you test your recall speed. It’s a good way to find what you could expand upon, or even to give you a starting point for discussion topics.

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