Friday, August 14, 2015

Wort für Wort: Material Review

Cover of the 5th edition. 
After a month of ghosting through Amazon reviews, I purchased Hodder Education's advanced Wort für Wort, fifth edition, by Paul Stocker. Spoiled by free internet resources, I didn't see the point of buying another language book, and being tight on money, I was rather cautious.

A good textbook is a diamond in the rough - and I've experienced poorly packed ones before, often in the classroom. After a certain level, it's easier to pick up new vocabulary from news articles and youtube videos anyway, so why bother? What did I have to gain - especially from using an online store.

There was a lot, apparently.

The book itself is brief, and so I'll list its features quickly:

  1. Organized, sophisticated vocabulary lists (last updated in 2010). Includes topics such as healthcare, immigration, and technology - words and idiomatic phrases.
  2. Includes a section on filler and transition words. Phrases: "it is not disputed that..." or "the key issue is..."
  3. Includes words easily confused. There are five words for 'to change' - how should you use each one.
  4. Relevant links for each chapter so that you can apply your new-found knowledge in context.
In short, it's incredibly convenient, and I wish I would have had it as an advanced German student. Although I have seen or recognized several words from my readings of current events, there's many more I did not know. As one of the biggest hurdles to language learning is vocabulary acquisition, this book feels like a godsend. 

Having the clean-cut sections makes it easier to carry-out simple writing assignments, as all the words you may need are already found for you. There's a 5-step procedure listed for memorization at the beginning, which I have been using - and for the most part, it's worked.

And if you still aren't hooked, here's a few examples of useful phrases you can find in this edition:
  • über seine Verhältnisse leben - to live beyond one's means (54)
  • Ferien vom Ich machen - to get away from it all (32)
  • ich nehme kein Blatt vor den Mund - I won't mince my words (20)
  • sich über Wasser halten - to make ends meet (105)
Wort für Wort is a stepping-stone book, if you use it correctly, you'll eventually grow out of it. But if you want a convenient, travel-friendly, cost-effective (mine was $7), and relevant vocabulary book - this is the right choice.

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