Friday, April 29, 2016

Now In English! "Memory In The Flesh" by Ahlam Mosteghanemi

Title: Memory In The Flesh/Bridges of Constantine
Author: Ahlam Mosteghanemi
Translator: Baria Ahmar Sreih / Raphael Cohen, Revised Translation: Peter Clark
Original Language: Arabic

There are some novels that contain a plot so marvelous that you can't help but read on. And there are others that lead you 262 pages deep from the poetry alone. I've heard that Persian may be considered the poetic language of Southwest Asia and Northern Africa, but it certainly has its contenders.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Of Passion And Purpose

Our path is tends to be a maze, rather than a road...
- Img byAshley Batz on
As one might expect of a blog adorning the word "passion" (Kefi, Greek), I might one day discuss it. This is a topic one is familiar with from an early age, in so any words:

  • What do you want to be when you grownup?
  • Get a job you're passionate about!
  • Study what you love!
  • It's important to find your purpose in life!
  • Do everything with passion.
Yet when my husband and I dwelled on our life purposes, we came up with radically different answers. First off, he answered the question. I, on the other hand, asked myself another question - How does purpose manifest?

Friday, April 15, 2016

WebDev Update: PHP and CSS3

For the last two months or so I have been scurrying about trying to tie up loose ends - finances, visas, finishing my online course, and the like. This has not to say that my self-study projects have fallen by the wayside. Rather, I've had to lessen the time devoted to them.

Friday, April 8, 2016

6 Tips On Learning Culture Without Visiting The Country

What should you know, before you travel?
Learning a language is incomplete without culture study. You may get hints from grammar - honorifics, for example - or idioms. But the right words are only the first step towards approaching the wealth of culture packed within a language.
The best part? You don't need to travel to your target country to get started.

So, for the purpose of this post, what is culture? It's really an umbrella term for varied thoughts, actions, histories and other unique identifiers of a certain group of people. A culture can be at a a national level (Germany), regional (Bavarian), social (high-class) and familial (your family vs. mine).

So how can we learn about other cultures, especially at a more intimate level?

Friday, April 1, 2016

Courseless: Minimalist Language Learning

Books by Kuznietsov
Books by Kuznietsov
About every three months I tend to gauge my language progress, and then I switch up my learning methods appropriately. This may take place sooner, if need be. Typically, I tend to lean on having 1 good workbook, or self-learning textbook. But these books often do not contain everything you need to learn, and furthermore, the internet has a seemingly endless treasure trove of language resources. So how can one remain minimalistic and focused with so many resources available?